Our range of Airfix Starter Sets

The name Airfix actually stems from its earliest days when the creator made inflated toys which needed air to be fixed into the products, so today the origins of the name have little connection. He also wanted to make sure the company was one of the first you would come across in directories, and thats why it starts with A! Nowadays, this brand name is very well known across the world and is embedded deep in our minds and hearts, perhaps from childhood memories as the kits started to become very popular in the 1960s and 1970s. Even through multiple changes in ownership the brand image still remains strong which is testament to how much the Airfix products, including Mini Kits and Starter Sets, are valued by the consumer.

For those of you new to Airfix, the basic product is a plastic scale kit to be used in modelling. The plastic parts or castings are made by a process called injection moulding (or molding) and this came about in Airfixs history as the founder moved into comb production after WWII where he needed an injection moulding machine in order to make these pocket combs and one thing led to another. As part of this moulding process the parts are attached to a plastic sprue or tree and one of the most satisfying stages in making an Airfix model comes from detaching the parts from this casting frame, because this signifies the commencement of your hobby project. This can be done by hand however it is probably best done with a craft knife or pliers to prevent any damage to the parts. If you are an expert Airfix modeller you would then want to sand off any rough edges although this is not strictly necessary all of the time, particularly for new starters.

The parts come in coloured cardboard boxes which mostly have detailed artist drawings of the model in action on the front and the contents of the box also include assembly instructions. Basic kits do not come with glue or paints so these need to be purchased separately, however on this shelf you will find some starter gift sets which come complete. The model is then formed by gluing the parts together. This can then be painted and varnished if required or if so desired.

These beginner sets come in 2 different types Mini Kits and Starter Sets.